Core Java Examples for Experienced

This tutorial designed for Java experienced programmers.The source code examples from this up-to-date tutorial are developed using JDK 8 or later and well tested on our local development environment.

If you are beginner then you should check out this core Java tutorial for beginners.

Core Java Tutorial for Beginners (Should check out this tutorial)

This Core Java Tutorial for Beginners is a complete core Java tutorial course designed from end-to-end with all core Java topics with lots of examples.

Collection Framework Tutorial

Collections Framework - Getting Started

  1. Collections Framework in Java
  2. Collections Framework - The Collection Interface
  3. Collections Framework - The Set Interface
  4. Collections Framework - The SortedSet Interface
  5. Collections Framework - The List Interface
  6. Collections Framework - The Queue Interface
  7. Collections Framework - The Deque Interface
  8. Collections Framework - The Map Interface
  9. Collections Framework - The SortedMap Interface
  10. Collections Framework - ArrayList Class
  11. Collections Framework - LinkedList Class
  12. Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArrayList
  13. Collections Framework - HashSet Class
  14. Collections Framework - LinkedHashSet Class
  15. Collections Framework - TreeSet Class
  16. Collections Framework - CopyOnWriteArraySet
  17. Collections Framework - EnumSet
  18. Collections Framework - HashMap Class
  19. Collections Framework - LinkedHashMap Class
  20. Collections Framework - TreeMap class
  21. Collections Framework - EnumMap
  22. Collections Framework - WeakHashMap
  23. Collections Framework - IdentityHashMap

Convert Collections Examples

  1. Conversion Between Array and Set in Java
  2. Conversion Between Array and List in Java
  3. Java Convert Map to Set Example
  4. Java Convert Map to List Example
  5. Java Convert Map to Array Example
  6. Convert a Map to an Array, List and Set in Java
  7. Java 8 Convert List to Map Example
  8. Java 8 - Merging Two Maps Example
  9. Java Convert Array to String [Snippet]

Collections Examples

  1. Different Ways to Iterate over List, Set and Map in Java
  2. Java Comparator Interface Example
  3. Java Comparable Interface Example
  4. Java IdentityHashMap Example
  5. Java WeakHashMap Example
  6. Java EnumMap Example
  7. Java CopyOnWriteArraySet Example
  8. Java EnumSet Class Example
  9. Guide to Java 8 forEach Method
  10. Different Ways to Iterate over a List in Java [Snippet]
  11. Different Ways to Iterate over a Set in Java [Snippet]
  12. Different Ways to Iterate over a Map in Java [Snippet]

Collections Differences

  1. Difference between LinkedList vs ArrayList in Java
  2. Difference between List and Set in Java Collection
  3. Difference between Stack and Queue Data Structure in Java
  4. Difference between HashMap and HashSet in Java
  5. Difference between TreeSet, LinkedHashSet, and HashSet in Java with Example
  6. Difference between EnumMap and HashMap in Java
  7. Difference between HashMap and HashSet in Java
  8. Difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java
  9. Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap in Java
  10. Difference between PriorityQueue and TreeSet in Java?
  11. What is the difference between Enumeration and Iterator in Java?
  12. What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable in Java?
  13. Difference between fail-fast Iterator vs fail-safe Iterator in Java
Learn more about Java Collections on Java Collections Tutorial

Java Generics Tutorial(for development)

  1. Java Generics - Generics Basics
  2. Java Generics - Benefits of Generics
  3. Java Generics - Generic Types
  4. Java Generics - Generic Methods in Java
  5. Java Generics - Bounded Type Parameters
  6. Java Generics - Wildcards
  7. Java Generic Methods Examples
  8. Java Generic Interface Examples
  9. Java Generic Class Examples
  10. Java Generics Multiple Type Parameters Example

String Handling Tutorial (for development)

  1. Java String Class API Tutorial
  2. Java StringBuffer Class API Tutorial
  3. Java StringBuilder Class API Tutorial
  4. Guide to Java String Constant Pool
  5. Guide to String Best Practices in Java (Best Practice)
  6. String Special Operations with Examples
  7. String Comparison Methods with Examples
  8. String Methods for Character Extraction
  9. String Searching Methods with Examples
  10. String Modifying Methods with Examples

Java Reflection Tutorial

  1. Overview of Java Reflection API
  2. Java Reflection for Classes
  3. Java Reflection for Methods
  4. Java Reflection for Fields
  5. Java Reflection for Constructors
  6. Java Reflection for Arrays
  7. Java Reflection for Enums
  8. Top Reflection Utility Methods
  9. Java Reflection Utility Class

Java Annotations

  1. Java @Override Annotation
  2. Java @SafeVarargs Annotation
  3. Java @Deprecated Annotation
  4. Java @SuppressWarnings Annotation
  5. Java @FunctionalInterface Annotation
  6. All Java Built-In Annotations Examples

More Advanced Core Java Tutorials( for Development)

>> JDBC 4.2 Tutorial (32 + Articles)
>> Java Enums Tutorial >> Java String Tutorial (50+ Articles)
>> Java 8 Tutorial (28 + Articles)
>> Java 8 Stream API Tutorial (6 + Articles)
>> Java 8 Date Time API Tutorial (10 + Articles)
>> Java Concurrency Tutorial (10 + Articles)
>> Java XML Tutorial (10 + Articles)
>> Java Multithreading Tutorial >> Oops Concepts Tutorial (20+ Articles)

Core Java API Packages Tutorials ( for Development)

>> Java API Guides (Core Library API Guides)

>> Java SQL Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of JDBC SQL Package)

>> Java Lang Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Lang Package)

>> Java Util Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Util Package)

>> Java Lang Reflect Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Lang Reflection Package)

>> Java Time Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java Date Time Package)

>> Java IO Package Tutorial (Core Classes and Interfaces of Java IO Package)

Java best practices

  • Java Enums and Annotations Best Practices
  • Java Generics Best Practices
  • JUnit Framework Best Practices
  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Liskov's Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Open Closed Principle
  • Oops principles in java
  • Restful API Best Practices
  • JSP Best Practices
  • JDBC Best Practices
  • Collection Best Practices
  • String Best Practices in Java
  • Exception Handling Best Practices
  • Synchronization Best Practices
  • Guide to JDBC Best Practices
  • Serialization Best Practices

All Java/J2EE Tutorials of this site is available on Top Java Tutorials


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