What Degree Do I Need to Be a Clinical Psychologist

Applying to Clinical Psychology Programsclinical

Applying to clinical psychology programs involves many of the same steps (in particular, the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, taking the Graduate Record Examination, and interviews) as other psychology graduate programs.  The application timelines are as well the same or like.  Thus, the aforementioned resources and tips that we provide on this website for those topics apply to clinical psychology applications.  However, there are a multifariousness of different types of clinical programs to choose from, students should take relevant coursework in clinical psychology, and they might demand to demonstrate not only enquiry experience, only clinical feel as well.  Here we further explore those issues.

Types of Clinical Psychology Programs

Condign a clinical psychologist – a psychologist that specializes in research and/or handling of mental health – involves a diverseness of graduate preparation routes.  These can occur at the doctoral (PhD or PsyD) or master's levels (and a related possibility is a PhD in Counseling Psychology; additionally, for those seeking to take a medical approach, including the prescription of medication, preparation to become a psychiatrist – i.east., the holder of an Doctor or Practice degree – is an avenue).  Here nosotros overview several of the major routes for condign a clinical psychologist.1

PhD in Clinical Psychology

The doctoral caste, earned over approximately 4-6 years (plus an internship year), equips its recipient to conduct inquiry, teach, and/or work every bit a practicing clinician.  It is the nearly versatile of the degrees that can be earned in clinical psychology.  PhD programs in clinical psychology are heavily research-focused and are typically designed effectually a scientist-practitioner model which idealizes the power to both acquit inquiry and practice.  Among all graduate programs, clinical psychology doctoral programs are amidst the most difficult to get into; admission rates are lower than that of law school, medical schoolhouse, or other inquiry-based graduate programs (for instance, 8 accepted out of 300 applicants).1 Clinical psychology PhD programs typically provide funding to graduate students, however, thus making this route less financially crushing.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology

Adult in the 1970s as an alternative to the traditional PhD, the PsyD is a professional doctoral degree that is more clinically focused.  Holders of the PsyD tin can piece of work every bit a practicing clinician; access to teaching opportunities is still more limited than those holding PhDs.  The PsyD is typically earned over 4-half dozen years (plus an internship twelvemonth), similar to the PhD, just the research component of the plan is greatly reduced (a greater proportion of graduate training occurs in clinical settings).  PsyD programs are easier to exist admitted into, but also tend to be more expensive.

Master's Caste in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, or Social Work

Typically completed in 2 years, a master's programme can be a faster way to earn a graduate degree and enter the workforce.  Acceptance rates are higher than for doctoral programs, although almanac program expenses can be higher.  There are a diverseness of master's programs that aspiring clinical psychologists may wish to pursue – ranging from clinical psychology to social work – and many confer on its holder the ability to work in private exercise or in corporate/organizational settings.

Do I Demand Enquiry or Clinical Experience?

According to the Quango of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP), having enquiry experience is critically of import and "it is not necessary to accept prior feel assisting with clinical work".two  Similar statements can be found in other guides to applying to clinical programs.one Thus, just equally with other psychology graduate programs, research experience is critically of import.  The CUDCP further specifies that serving in a post-baccalaureate research assistant position, completing a Senior Thesis or Honors Thesis, or other blazon of supervised research experience is especially useful.2

However, although clinical feel is non necessarily required, gaining such feel can be valuable in helping you determine whether the clinical psychology route is genuinely your preferred career pick.  It also is not likely to hurt your application, and given the competitiveness of many clinical psychology programs, may actually assist your application stand out.

Workshops and Downloadable Resources


  • For in-person discussion of the procedure of applying to graduate programs in psychology, including clinical psychology programs, please consider attending this section's "Paths to PhDs" workshop and other related events (for dates and times, please check the undergraduate workshops agenda).

Farther Resources

How-To Videos

  • Applying to Grad Schoolhouse Videos

Recommended Reading

  • American Psychological Association (2007). Getting in: a step-by-step programme for gaining admission to graduate schoolhouse in psychology . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Keith-Spiegel, P., & Wiederman, K. Westward. (2000). The consummate guide to graduate school access: psychology, counseling, and related professions. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

APA Videos on Graduate Applications

  • Preparing and applying for graduate schoolhouse in psychology [12-role video series]
  • Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology [video slides in PDF format]

Further Resources

  • Mitch's uncensored advice for applying to graduate school in clinical psychology [PDF]
  • Applying to graduate school in clinical psychology, a student's footstep-by-step guide [PDF]
  • I but got an interview for a clinical psychology program now what do I practise? [PDF]
  • Getting into clinical psychology graduate schoolhouse, a guide by the CUDCP
  • What practice clinical psychology programs wait for in applicants from the APA
  • What does information technology take to become into graduate school in clinical psychology from Northwestern Academy


1 Prinstein, M. (2012). Applying to graduate schools in clinical psychology . DePauw University.
ii Quango of Academy Directors of Clinical Psychology.  (2017). Getting into clinical psych grad school .


Source: https://psychology.ucsd.edu/undergraduate-program/undergraduate-resources/graduate-career-resources/applying-grad-school/clinical-psych-programs.html

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